Aspect Ratio Calculator
Nowadays, in almost all ecosystems we have a wide variety of screen sizes. In order to provide a better user experience, as a developer, we need to keep our apps responsive. Responsiveness of the app adapts to the user device’s screen size. If the app is showing images then most probably you need to resize images by respecting the aspect ratio, in order to keep images crisp and sound on different screen sizes.
What is the aspect ratio?
The proportional resize of width or height by respecting original width and height is called the aspect ratio. The square shape has an aspect ratio of 1:1, which means width matches height.
In order to calculate the aspect ratio conveniently, you can use this aspect ratio calculator. This tool also gives a visual idea by drawing a rectangle based on the aspect ratio. This tool also provides 2 modes for calculating aspect ratio i.e. width wise or height.